I think how species are related is because of their blood and how they are alike from other breeds
1. Having a sickle cell anemia crisis is a severe condition of reduced red blood cell count.
2. Having sickled red blood cells lead to the symptoms like having pain in the chest and the throbbing of her leg.
3. A person having sickle cell anemia is mostly tired due to reduction in red blood cells, so they cannot do any work with their bodies. There would difference in the personal appearances like yellow eye and skin looks pale and the skeletal system become weak too. There is trouble with breath too.
4. The symptoms are as follows like the patient fall in to anemia condition, urine is dark in color, eyes are yellow, and person looks pale and the body experiences frequent pain and delay in the body growth.
5. Hydroxyurea is the medication used here. The pros of this are the frequent body pains reduces and reduction in need of blood transfusion. the cons are increase of infection and this particular drug may cause tumors and leukemia.
They only have one electron in their outer most shell which makes them very reactive.
Answer:1)Yeast cells that produce more unsaturated fatty acids than saturated fatty acids in response to cold have greater cold tolerance
2)Cell membranes in reindeer legs (near the hooves) are kept flexible because they have a large number of saturated fatty acids.
3.)Cell membranes in cold tolerant winter wheat plants have a higher ratio of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids than do cold intolerant wheat varieties.
Basically the longer the chains of fatty acids the higher the degree of energy produced as heat energy, and therefore the higher the insulation.
Unsaturated fats clogged together and the aggregate carbons and hydrogens ensured insulation.