lichens and bryophytes[secondary seccession]
after the wildfire, the area would bee too dry and therfore it'll lead to a xerarch succession. lichens and bryophytes would be the climax communities.
In parthenogenetic reproduction, the egg cell develops into a new or ganism without fertilization. It is clear that the most essential feature of parthenogenesis, absence of fertilization, causes important alterations of basic nature in cytological, as well as in genetic, respects.
Organism with AABBCCDD genotype will produce only one type of gamete, ABCD and the organism having the genotype AaBbCcDd will produce 16 types of gametes.
This is a percentage of 3.1%
Mostly fungal species are multicellular but yeast is unicellular
Silk worms are an invasive species in the UK. They cover trees and kill them….. silk comes out of their butt and we call it silk thread. Silk thread is silk spun into thread, or silk worm pooo pooooooo