Pretty sure it’s B not 100% tho
Multiply the percentage by the mass for both and add them to get 63.545 amu
Answer: Option (c) is the correct answer.
Entropy is defined as the degree of randomness. This means that more is the number of collisions taking place between atoms of a substance more will be the randomness.
Therefore, more will be the entropy of substance. We cannot measure the entropy but we can measure the change in entropy of a substance.
A thermometer is a glass tube that contains a liquid column generally mercury, and it is usually used to measure the temperature of human body.
A calorimeter is a device or apparatus that is used in a chemical reaction to measure the amount of heat involved.
Therefore, we can conclude that the student can't measure entropy directly, only an entropy change.
When an electron quickly occupies an strength state increased than its ground state, it is in an excited state. An electron can end up excited if it is given greater energy, such as if it absorbs a photon, or packet of light, or collides with a close by atom or particle.