Compound modifiers. These are formed when two or more adjectives or attributes or distinguishable units are combined together to form a single noun or a unit. Normally such modified words are combined using hyphens.
The details in the passage show that the Arctic Day adds suspense and terror among the folk attended. This meaning it is dread upon whom are around to witness. As said "As darkness came on the hunting cries to right and left rear drew closer so close that more than once they sent surges fear through the toiling dogs - sending them into panic".
In the space provided, write whether the verb in sentence is active voice or passive voice. Since the second century B.C., Indian women have worn saris.
B) fixed verse
Fixed verse is a kind of poetry that has its rules where the poem can be built.
The land was cold, desolate, and dangerous. Pilgrims could not rely on their ships or friends in Europe for survival.