<em><u>Scientific Name of Touch-Me-Not Plant is Mimosa Pudica.
The Touch-Me-Not Plant behaves like this because of stimuli. It responds to our sense of touch and curls up.
<span> esta a dizer que o citoplasma é um gel -como substância espessa . Ele liquefaz Quando é agitado ou agitado . Citoplasma se refere é o citoplasma , que significa substância da célula. Este nome descreve, o citoplasma é a substância de vida , o citoplasma serve como uma sopa molecular , é no citoplasma , onde todos os organelos celulares são suspensas e estão ligadas entre si por uma membrana de bicamada lipídica .</span>
As a microbiologist there are different methods are devised for characterization of microbes.such as Macroscopic analysis and microscopy method.
With the help of microscope the needed information about the individual cell such as individual cellular characteristics can be obtained, the magnification help to provide the features such as size, shape and motility of the microbes which helps to know the specific microbes characters.
When handling an unknown environmental microbe, with help of the cell characteristics of the microbes obtained using the microscope, the identity as well as metabolic characterization can be known such as the type of environment the microbes can survive in(aerobic or anaerobic), the source of food.
No growth was observed on the control plate.
The growth on the control plate indicates that the aseptic technique devised in the model was an adequate method for the prevention of the control plate from been contaminated.
The DNA that is present in every cell's nucleus is like a long double-stranded thread.
This long DNA contains various genes. Genes are DNA sequences that encode proteins to bring out the characteristic change in a body.