Answer: Gender identity
Gender identity is how a person sees themselves their own internal sense and personal experience of gender. Only the individual can determine their own gender identity. Gender indentity refers to the degree to which we see ourselves as feminine, masculine, transsexual or perhaps even nongender and having no gender at all. Gender identity occurs as a result of a combination of inherent and extrinsic or environmental factors; gender role, on the other hand, is manifested within society by observable factors such as behavior and impression
In a capitalist society, the poor make up the working class that is exploited through their work, generating income and profits for businessmen and tycoons, who continue to get rich and have their needs and desires completed and complemented by the work that the poor perform.
With this, we can confirm that within the capitalist society, wants are often supplemented for the poor, but only the wants of the rich and powerful, the wants of the poor end up being suppressed and often left aside.
Answer: 133 km/h
Albinism is the "congenital absence of any pigmentation or coloration in a person, animal or plant, resulting in white hair, feathers, scales and skin and pink eye."