Because it is very easy to spend money that you do not have by using a credit card. Most think they can pay it off the following month, but that rarely happens.
D is very good but A and c are good to And b if so I would choose all four
Matched as below
a. Cashier’s check: A draft drawn by a bank on itself
b. Check: A draft drawn by a drawer ordering the drawee bank or financial institution to pay a certain amount of money to the holder on demand
c. Certified check: A draft that is payable on demand, drawn on or payable through a bank, and specially designated
d. Traveler’s check: A draft that had been accepted by the bank on which it is drawn, promising to pay the check when it is presented
Some notable price indices include:
Consumer price index.
Producer price index.
Employment cost index.
Export price index.
Import price index.
GDP deflator.....
Taking in the coupons of the competitors and considering it to your business as revenue is considered as a technique to draw more consumers in the market. In this way, the customers are given another option giving the benefit to this new business to showcase its primes.