There is a debate if viruses are alive because a virus contains its own DNA. However, most consider it to not be alive, since it cannot reproduce on its own.
false statement: the cuticle slows down the loss of water in a leaf.
The virus will make people vote for whichever candidate they think will slow the spread of virus the most effectively. It may make it harder for people to get to the polls to vote, from fears of catching the virus while in the act of voting.
NEAR remained in this orbit for 10 days and then was backed out in stages to a 100 km circular orbit by September 5, 2000. Maneuvers in mid-October led to a flyby of Eros within 5.3 km of the surface at 07:00 UT on October 26.
Launch date: February 17, 1996 20:43:27 UTC; ...
Closest approach: June 27, 1997 12:56 UTC; .
the answer to this complicated question is c