Beautiful, barbaric, big, bipolar, bold, basic
1. The best thing that happened to me recently was that i got a puppy! He's so cute. I love him!
2. My most treasured possession is my phone. My parents gave it to me for my birthday. They also got me 2 amazing hoodies. These objects make my world more meaningful.
3. I love taking care of animals. I volunteer at an animal shelter and I love helping out there. Dogs need love and care. My job is to feed them and take them out for walks to there happy!
4. My grandpa is one of the best people I know. Anytime I'm struggling with something or need some advice he's always there to help me. His food is also amazing and he taught me how to make really good oatmeal. He's nice, sweet, smart, and funny
Option A (the central idea), option C (supporting details), Option D (the reader's position) and option E (supporting evidence).
While writing a critique, it becomes important to clear the text or the piece of work that the author is going to criticize. Therefore, the author needs to discuss the main theme or the central idea of the work. Before going to criticise any of the work the author needs to have some supporting details that he can use to support his argument. A critique should be simple, clear and concise so that the readers can easily understand it. The author may keep some supporting evidence with him while writing a critique because it will help him to cite sources and give a more reliable critique.