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Job enlargement.
Job enlargement refers to the process of adding challenges or new responsibilities to an employee’s current job.
During each phase of the economic cycle of Recession and Expansion, the following economic variables fluctuate, accordingly:
I. Output: During Recession, production output reduces. But, during expansion, product output rises with rising income, employment, and even stable inflation.
II. Employment: During phases of economic Expansion, employment rises, while it contracts during the phases of Recession.
III. Inflation: Due to rising income and output during economic expansionary periods, inflation rate also rises. It reduces when the economy enters a recession.
Business or Economic Cycle describes the recurrent, but not periodic, sequence of changes in the aggregate economic activities of a nation. It usually cascades between the spectrum of expansion and recession. This means that there is an alternation of the phases of economic cycle between expansion and contraction (recession) when the aggregate economic activities may rise or decline due to the equal movement of economic variables like the GDP output, employment, income, and sales.
Answer: True
Something that has caught the attention of many has been how electronic money has been used in countries like Kenya and Somalia. A study has confirmed that the use of mobile money has reduced poverty in places like Kenya. Mobile money is defined as money where people can make financial transactions through their phones.
This type of activity has greatly influenced poverty reduction and the high rates that occurred when people had to send money over certain distances. In countries like Somalia, there are no longer any traces of physical money, everything is virtual. In this way, the country has achieved economic stability for years. People increasingly consume through their mobile phones, making in an easier way all kind of payments.