Parallel circuit are those types of circuits in which break in one branch does not prevent the flow of current in the circuit and the current can still flow through another branch because there are more ways through which the current moves to other sources while on the other hand, series circuit refers to those circuits in which break in one branch can prevent the current flow in the circuit and the other sources can't receive current due to broken of the connection.
The sun provides the most energy in the ecosystem
The correct response is C.
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The protons obtained from the spit of hydrogen atoms, to protons and electrons, (which was transported to the Matrix of the mitochondria by NADH and FADH2 ) are pumped by PMF into the intramembrane space.
The constant pumps by the PMF,due to the electron transport chains set up high concentration of Hydrogen ions in the intramembrane space.If pH is -log[H+] then the high the number of H+/protons,the stronger the acidity,and lower the pH of the medium.
This set up higher electrochemical gradient compare to the matrix.Thus H+ diffuses down the gradients into the matrix.
This generate energy needed for the synthesis of ATPs by ATPase synthase in the matrix