La respuesta correcta es opción C. "Contar con organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos".
Una de las características que diferencia a las células procariontes de las eucariontes, es que las células eucariontes tienen organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos. Las células eucariontes son más complejas que las celulas procariontes, y tienen organelos rodeados por membranas donde efectúan sus distintas funciones celulares. Las células procariontes no tienen organelos y realizan la mayoría de sus funciones directamente en el citoplasma.
Lateralization is a process of studying the split functions of the brain hemispheres. The most common test used for testing lateralization is obtained from sodium amytal studies. In this study a barbiturate or a sedative is injected into the carotid artery either left or the right artery. So, till the time the barbiturate hampers the functioning of any hemisphere, the functions associated with that hemisphere also gets hampered or are sustained for a while. This technique is of invasive nature
It is important to use the regulatory sequence of a milk gene when constructing a recombinant gene used to produce a human protein secreted in milk because<em> it is capable of increasing or decreasing the expression of specific genes within an organism.</em>
<em>Regulatory Sequence</em> is<em> a segment of a nucleic acid molecule</em> which is capable of increasing or decreasing the expression of specific genes within an organism. Regulation of gene expression is an essential feature of all living organisms and viruses.
The answer is K-selected.
The population size of K-selected species is fairly constant in time, unlike the population size of r-selected species. r-selected species are usually bellow carrying capacity and the population size is density independent. On the contrary, K-selected species are usually near or at carrying capacity and the population size is density dependent.
As you grow older, you would need to remain physically active to keep a good level of physical fitness.
Answer: T