Answer: the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don't align with your internal standards.
Hope that helps
Hello there, Does it has a multiple choice answer?
Comedic Relief
Capulet calls for a sword, but Lady Capulet's lines 'offer' him a crutch instead. This is used to show how old and incapable Capulet would be in a street brawl with much younger and stronger fighters. Capulet refers to Montague 'flourishing his blade in spite' of him, which shows that Montague is not taking part in the actual fight either, just waving his sword around. This shows that the head of both houses are not actually effectual within the fight, but encourage its continuation regardless.
Make sure you keep your reader interested, if its short make sure it makes sense. Maybe add a plot twist or a bad beginning and a great ending.
The statement "The inhabitants of the United States have...properly speaking, no literature." is inaccurate. Literature may work through grammar syntax and semantics but there is no existing standards that would make a piece of work qualify as literature. There is only different levels and complexity but no absolute requirement.