<span>Which character relationship in The Tempest is the best representation of linguistic imperialism? A. Prospero and Caliban B. Boatswain and Gonzalo C. Trinculo and Caliban D. Ferdinand and Ariel. Ask fordetails; Follow · Report. by Klaudianurce 09/03/2017. Log in to add a comment. Only registered members have access</span>
Answer: the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words (i.e. <u>s</u>wift <u>s</u>eagulls <u>s</u>leep <u>s</u>oundly)
The best answer to this question would be the organizational structure of a text. When you look up the definition of format, the definition is not in your options, but answer a is the most similar one.
Hope this helps!!