Natural Numbers, Whole Numbers, and Integers are rational numbers.
Example: {1, 2, 3, -1, -2, -3}
Numbers with repeating decimals and terminating decimals are also rational.
Example: {2.34343434..., 3.45}
If a square root makes a perfect square, then it is rational.
Example: {√16, √100}
Hope this helps.
Only selections B and D give a maximum height of 13 at t=3. However, both of those functions have the height be -5 at t=0, meaning the ball was served from 5 ft below ground. This does not seem like an appropriate model.
We suspect ...
• the "correct" answers are probably B and D
• whoever wrote the problem wasn't paying attention.
The point on the unit circle corresponding to -180 degrees is
((x, y) = (-1, 0).
<span>tan(-180°) = y/x = 0/(-1) = 0</span>
9 down 3 rt 4 rt 8 up 4 rt 5 down 8 down 9 (= 50)
C because to get y u do 180 - 57+61 than for x u do 180 - 62+67