Tall, narrow cells arranged in a single layer correspond to a simple columnar epithelial tissue.
According to the <u><em>arrangement of cells</em></u>, epithelial tissues can be classified as:
- Simple epithelium, formed by a <u>single cellular layer</u> which is in contact with the basement membrane
- Stratified epithelium, formed by <u>two or more cellular layers</u>. The <u>cellular shape and high vary </u>from one layer to the other. In classification, only the superficial layer is considered.
- Transitional epithelium. In this case, the <u>epithelial cells vary</u> in shape and size allowing the tissue to stretch.
Classification of epithelial tissues <em><u>according to the cell shape</u></em>:
- Squamous epithelium: Epithelial cells are <u>flat and thin</u>. Their nucleus is <u>narrow and centered</u>. This epithelium can be found in <em>endothelium, mesothelium, pericardium, and peritoneum.</em>
- Cuboidal epithelium: Epithelial cells are <u>cubic shaped</u>: their width, length and high are about equal. Their nucleus is <u>rounded and centered</u>. This epithelium can be found in <em>kidney tubules, Malpighi tubules, thyroid gland, salivary glands, and pancreas</em>.
- Columnar epithelium: Epithelial cells are <u>tall, rectangular and/or column-shaped</u>, longer than width. Their nucleus is <u>ovoid and near to the base</u>. This epithelium can be found in the <em>stomach, intestine, duct of glands, Fallopian trumps</em>, etc. Their functions are related to secretion, absorption, protection, motility.
Types of epithelium tissue:
- Simple squamous epithelium
- Simple cuboidal epithelium
- Simple columnar epithelium
- Stratified squamous epitheliums
- Stratified cuboidal epitheliums
- Stratified columnar epitheliums
- Transitional epithelium