Since 470/6 = 78.333 it would take you 78.333 days to work 470 hours.
Every 1/4 is 25. If you want to calculate them, then you're going to need 1/4 to find 25. In some other cases, 25, can also be written as another decimal. Such as, 4/100.
100/4 is 25. For example:
Woah! You have 3/4 of a dollar. You're really saving up money fast!
This example means that the person has 75 cents.
For an ounce, that would mean 0.04 pounds.
The third table on the top row. It has a linear function because the Y is always constant. For example: -3 + -2= -5 -5 + -2= -7
The answer will turn out to be 26.87
Take any 2 points through which the line on graph passes,
(0,-1) =(x₁,y₁)
& (2,-4)=(x₂,y₂)