Carbohydrates- they are simple and burn quickly, giving you short but fast boosts of energy.
I am going to answer the questions in one brief summary of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are non-renewable, meaning one day they will run out.
Fossil fuels are reliable, meaning rain or shine we can use them.
Fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases, causing our world to warm up.
I disagree with this statement. Asexual organisms are at a lower risk for extinction due to the fact that they do not need a partner to procreate. They have an easier time making offspring.
Dead plant matter
Saprotrophs feed by a process known as absorptive nutrition, in which the nutritional substrate (e.g., dead organism or other nonliving organic matter) is directly digested by a variety of enzymes that are excreted by the saprotroph.
Sterile water is most often used