The man had jumped from a plane but his parachute had failed to open. It is the unopened package.
Eating a variety of foods from the five major food groups provides a range of different nutrients to the body, promotes good health and can help reduce the risk of disease – as well as keeping your diet interesting with different flavours and textures! The venue in which food is eaten can affect food choice, particularly in terms of what foods are on offer. The availability of healthy food at home and 'away from home' increases the consumption of such foods. However, access to healthy food options is limited in many school/work enivorments.
<em>Laughter can play a helpful role in MANY things, especially medical treatment. The reason it plays such a helpful role is because it makes people feel more happy and tends to take someone's mind off of what is going on around them. Once laughter is applied during a medical treatment, it is done to make someone feel less worried about what could be going on around them or how the treatment may go. This is commonly used by surgeons and kemo-therapy doctors when a patient is worried about what may happen.</em>
<em>Hope this helps.</em>
For some, Open Mic Night at the local bar might conjure up some pretty bad memories - random people yacking about this or that, one minute a guy tells you about the novel ways to trim your hedges into the likes of farm animals, while another talks about his belief that aliens live amongst us. You and your buddies roll your eyes and dash for the door. And this is for good reason! Neither speaker took the time to consider some very important things.
You see, when a speechwriter sets out to draft a winning speech, he not only considers the topic - he thinks about the speaker, audience and purpose of the speech. Why, you ask? He does this mostly to keep the attention and interest of his audience. Let's take a closer look at this.
Answer:The setting stories are integral to the themes and characters developed