I find it important to you care about the quality of your writing. proofreading is the most important step students usually skip. It helps to omit the typos and grammatical issues. Have you ever thought about using the online writing? I can suggest you the site where the guys can proofread it professionally. I love they way they assist me at Prime-Writings.
Show your maturity by making a request and following through with actions. Instead of saying, “I deserve it!” or “Why aren't you giving me what I want?”, say “I would like to tell you that I really want something, and I would like you to hear me out.” or something close to that. In other words, you have to be kind and always try to have the right solutions to problems. Also, to know when to act kind in situations or in perfect moments to show how mature you are.
People might lose contact of each other if one or the other moves, or they are online friends, and one blocks the other. Or they might not be friends anymore so the ignore each other.
I hope I helped. :-)
Picture of it?............