-4670 Favorable
actual- standard = variance
variance * actual lbs of material
5.2-6.2=-1*4670=-4670 Favorable
Answer: Behavior
Explanation: Consumer Behaviour is the way consumers respond to the purchase of a certain products and services, consumer behaviour is affected by various factors such as PRICE, QUALITY, QUANTITY,INCOME etc.
Certain consumers have specific interest in certain products or services, due to brand loyalty which has emanated from the consistent quality and other product features which they have enjoyed in such products.
The correct answer is publish an advertisement on an internet job site
The job offer is the total amount of work offered by individuals in an economy.
The job offer must be based, fundamentally, on the remuneration obtained by it. Although there are also other factors that influence the supply of work, such as working conditions, the existence of extra-salary remuneration, the possibilities of promotion in employment and training at work, among others.
Answer: Option A
Explanation: A Departmental Manufacturing cost Report (CPR) indicates all expenses that a division may be paid. Not only is it the origin of detailed journal entries at just the end of this month, but it is also the best effective method to view and dispose of the accrued costs over the month.
A departmental cost report depicts:-
1. Total unit costs out of a previous division moved to it.
2. The division included supplies, staff, and overhead warehouse.
3. The cost per unit of the division included.
4. Average and unit expenses incurred at the bureau's conclusion of activities.
5. Through process inventory levels, the expense of start and finish research.
6. Price moved to a successor division or storage of finished products