THE WORLD RESOURCES SIMULATION CENTER. ... The WRSC will provide global leaders from business, governments, education and NGOs a resource for cooperation and collaboration to make informed and sustainable choices for humanity as a whole in the shortest possible time.
The big bang theory states that the universe began approximately 10-20 billion years ago in an expansion of the universe emanating from an extremely compact point. The occurrence of super massive black holes contradict the big bang theory. Super massive black holes are found at the center of galaxies and is what keeps them together. Models do not explain how these would have formed if the big bang occurred the way it was proposed.
Motor nerves
Pulling the leg quickly from the sharp object is an example of reflex action. It includes sensory receptors, sensory neurons, interneurons, the control center (spinal cord), motor neurons and effector.
As soon as she steps on the glass piece, the receptors present in the skin of her foot sole sense it and send the information to the control center via sensory neurons. The spinal cord commands the muscles of the effector organ (leg) via motor neurons to move to step away from the glass piece.
Hola! :) El nombre cientifico del estudio cientifico de las poblaciones humanas es llamado demografia
Espero que esto ayude :)
Answer: The brain is the vital organ in humans and each part of brain exhibit a distinct function.
The frontal part of the brain is responsible for controlling the cognitive skills, movement of the body, emotions, memory, judgement, sexual activity, linguistic skills, and others. It controls the behavior. It is the overall control panel of the human body. If the frontal lobe is damaged then this can negatively affect the human personality. The person suffers from difficulty in concentrating as well as planning.