1. <u>Jason</u> enjoyed the movie about <u>France</u>.
2. The <u>musicians</u> <u>play</u> marching songs.
3. Music lovers thrill to the sound of <u>trumpets</u>.
4.<u> Boys</u> and <u>girls</u> are often eager to listen.
5. <u>The conductor</u> moves his <u>baton</u> vigorously.
6. There is no death penalty for <u>criminals</u> in <u>Puerto Rico</u>.
7. The "<u>Explorer</u>," crammed with <u>scientific instruments</u>, was launched on January 31, 1958.
8. <u>New Mexico</u> was admitted as a state in the twentieth century.
9. <u>Chester Arthur</u> was nominated for vice-president by the Republican Party in 1880.
10. <u>Winston Churchill</u> was the man whose courage led <u>the nation</u> from defeat to victory.