El almacenamiento a largo plazo puede ser similar al aprendizaje: el proceso mediante el cual la información que puede ser necesaria nuevamente se almacena para su recuperación bajo demanda. El proceso de localizar esta información y traerla de vuelta a la memoria de trabajo se denomina recuperación.
ojala te sirva es lo unico que se :D
my best guess is number answer 2 and answer 4
because crows love to eat desert woodrats and for the last one i watched it in national geo, its like a cycle grass hopper died by a mouse dies by a rattle snake.
Land use involves the management and modification of natural environment or wilderness into built environment such as settlements and semi-natural habitats such as arable fields, pastures, and managed woods. Land use by humans has a long history, first emerging more than 10 thousand years ago. It has been defined as "the purposes and activities through which people interact with land and terrestrial ecosystems and as "the total of arrangements, activities, and inputs that people undertake in a certain land type. Land use is one of the most important drivers of global environmental change.
what do this mean do you want free points
half of its genetic material from each parent.