Swift's satirical essay aims to highlight the problems that the people of Ireland are currently dealing with.
<h3>What is the basic idea of Swift's A Modest Proposal?</h3>
The essay, which poses as an economic dissertation, proposes that Ireland's poor children should be killed and sold to the English landowners as food in order to alleviate the country's poverty. Swift's plan is a scathing condemnation of England's exploitation of Ireland on a legal and financial basis.
Full text of A Modest Proposal A Simple Idea to Make Poor People's Children Beneficial to Their Parents and the Country and Prevent Them from Being a Burden to the Public is the title of Jonathan Swift's satirical essay, which was released as a pamphlet in 1729.
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migration pointJob loss:
Immigrants may also cause pressure on job issues as the locals often lose jobs to incoming workers.
migration pointDiscrimination/racism:
Immigration can fuel racism and discrimination. Immigrants who cannot speak the local language or do not behave like the locals often find themselves not accepted in their communities, as people prefer not to have anything to do with them.
migration pointSocial/Civil Pressure:
Housing, health, education and many other facilities may suffer from the pressure of excessive use by more people than it was designed to take. This can force prices of such amenities to go high, causing hardship to all.
migration pointBreakdown of culture and traditions:
Traditions and cultures are negatively modified because of diversity. Sometimes healthy ways of lives are lapsed as different people are exposed to different ways of doing things. Sometimes new crime incidents emerge or increase as a result of ‘bad’ people coming in.
migration pointDiseases:
As long as people move from place to place, there is a risk of contagious disease outbreak.
Answer:you could write about how when you first realized Santa wasn’t real and how it changed your perspective on how your parents are the one who ate the cookies and drank the milk and how they bought you all those presents. You could write about how you viewed that situation. And how all those years they have been buying you presents and saying Santa brought them for you.
I think the world started because that water somehow came here, then things came to life.
THe change that I think it i'll make is people will be able to see stories alive.When people see the stories alive,their imagination begins to grow.