The birth of my younger sibling has changed me, my view about life, my life goals, and my character for the better. I had always been the center of my parents' attention for 10 years. My mom would have her full attention on me when I would come home from school. She would ask me about my teachers, my classmates, and my friends. In addition, my dad would always bring me along with him during weekends for a stroll or to do some shopping. I was literally the center of my family. However, one day my mom brought home a tiny baby and everyone's attention was focused on him. My grandma and aunts came to see the baby. Everybody was taking turns carrying him. During those times, I became a spectator; I felt like an outsider. Eventually, I was asked to help watch over the baby. With this new assignment, I felt protective of my little brother; and as he grew, he became my loyal fan. In return, I began to feel responsible for my younger sibling. It was then I realized that I should not feel like an outsider because I am still a very important part of my family. I have grown up and my brother looks up to me as his role model. I should continue to be a good example to this little guy who looks so much like me.
1. I find the gaming aspect most addictive. Others find shopping more addictive.
2. My life would change because we would have a harder time learning what our passion is because online you can learn, play, and meet cool people. If we did not have those we could have a harder time knowing what we want to be when we grow up or what we are good at.
3. (Idk about you but maybe someone was discriminating a group) This goes so small as saying, people who play pokemon are babies(theyre not).
Even though I am in quarantine still im doing hybrid classes, and I still go to the mall and church and all that good stuff.
Maybe you have to check yourself and see where the need of improvement is needed.