D) The Earth was hit by a one or more objects from space 65 million years ago. The iridium layer shows an extraterrestrial cause for the extinction at the Cretaceous Tertiary boundary, discovered by the Alvarez family. The first discovery of this layer was in the Bavarian alps, in Lattengebirge. The Alverez family proposed that the extinction of the dinosaurs was due to a large meteor hitting the Earth at the end of the Cretaceous period, marking the KT boundary with this clay layer which has a high content of iridium. Iridium is not common on Earth, but is common in meteors.
No. It was an idea that yielded common positive results. “Not a good theory” is biased terminology. New technology can yield new information, but it does not mean that it was not a good theory.
When the continents are at the Earths poles, they receive less sunlight.
I think that that the answer should be C asexual reproduction of a single-celled organism
Adult Atlantic Salmon<span> live in coastal seas and </span>feed<span> on pelagic invertebrates ... The Atlantic </span>Salmon<span> is an iconic species in the north Atlantic </span>Ocean<span> and ... Unlike the pacific </span>salmons<span> (such as the Chinook</span>Salmon<span> [link]), Atlantic </span>Salmon do<span> not die after ... subpopulations that spawn in those rivers will almost certainly </span>go<span> extinct.</span>