Some players hit the ball and stand dejected, waiting for it to land. Others turn away and leave it to the caddy.
Dynamite was lavishly used, and many of San Francisco's proudest structures were crumbled by man himself into ruins, but there was no withstanding the onrush of the flames.
Lila, who lives in a trailer with a parakeet and some scrappy dogs and cats, has been the town fire warden for almost 30 years.
I'd say the answer is 'the visible is more dangerous than the invisible', because Duncan never suspected that his faithful Macbeth would be the one to kill him.
Concept maps
A concept map is a general organizer that shows a central idea with its corresponding characteristics. Concept maps can take many different shapes and can be used to show any type of relationship that can be labeled.
Fun dance. Its two synonyms
During Act 2 scene 3, friar laurence says "is rosaline that thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? (...) The sun not yet thy sighs from heaven clears, thy old groans ring yet in mine ancient ears." Basically, he thinks Romeo musnt truly be in love with Juliet if he had just a couple days or so ago been crying over Rosaline not liking him back. He's reluctant towards romeo's requests to marry juliet because he thinks its too soon for romeo to know he is in love with juliet.