To divide 54,164 by 44, we start from the first digit.
First we take the first 2 digits: i.e. 54 divided by 44, which gives 1 remainder 10.
Next, we join the next digit to the remainder and divide again by 44: i.e. 101 divided by 44, which gives 2 remainder 13.
Next, we join the next digit to the remainder and divide again by 44: i.e. 136 divided by 44, which gives 3 remainder 4.
Next, we join the next digit to the remainder and divide again by 44: i.e. 44 divided by 44, which gives 1.
We now joining all the results from our algorithm, to get that 54,164 divided by 44 is 1,231.
Frist we need to find the mean of both so
then we make a number graph and see how mant place does it take to get to them from 0 67and55/by them selfs = 1.2(rounded)
1.2 is you answer
The right answer is
The answer is between 12 & 13
-- Subtract K from each side of the equation.
8/5 = 0
-- There is no value for K that can make this a true statement. So the original equation has no solution.