When investing you have the chance of losing any money you've made from the investment as well as the original amount you put down. When saving you are simply putting aside money and beginning to pile it up as you continue to save it.
Consideration is the careful thinking of matter or situation that will usually take a substantial amount of time. Flexibility is the ability of the body to extend its muscles to induce bending movement. Flexibility may also mean as the capability of a person to adjust with the change in situation. Tolerance is the ability of the person to endure a certain situation. Tolerance will help the person to continue and do what he needs to do. Honest communication is the telling of the truth among each other. Honest communication is when you understand each other and feel comfortable with each other thus not hiding anything.<span> </span>
<span>Jane notes the contrast between the nature of the act and the meaning that it held for her
death cuz thats on achevable with an oven