Words clause and brought have similar spelling: clause is spelled 'klawz', and brought is spelled 'brawt'. So, both are spelled with 'aw'. On the other hand, their meaning is different.
B. It's merchant's.
Have A Nice Day.
Lifeguards at pools, beaches, lakes and other aquatic facilities must be trained to respond to injuries, potential cases of drowning and other medical emergencies. They must also maintain order and enforce safety rules, and they may be responsible for assisting and instructing guests regarding these rules. The main roles of a lifeguard are to prevent accidents and spot potential trouble/hazards before they become life-threatening, and responding to emergencies when needed. They also educate the public about the risks associated with aquatic activities and how to be Water Smart
The Answer to your question is B.
Joey isn't moving to Denver after all.
At its most basic, a shape is created when a line is enclosed: a line forms the boundary, and the shape is the form circumscribed by that boundary. Three lines are used to create a triangle while four lines can make a square. Shapes can also be defined by the artist using value, color, or texture to differentiate them.