B. Bone denesity because as we age our bones become brittle and can break easily hence why older people often break their wrist or hips when falling. And being fit can help.
Nick said it because of his previous experiences which were not so easy to handle and that have transformed his thoughts so much that he considered that his future would be same as his past. He even didnt remember his birthday, indicating that his mind is well occupied by the menacing experiences and thoughts. Since he has turned thirty so now people think its time to settle but for Nick its still a road of struggle ahead of him
“By being conformist, we copy the things that are popular in the world. And those things are often good and useful.” For example, most people don't understand how germs can cause disease – but they know they should wash their hands after using the bathroom.Jul 28, 2015
I corrected some parts of your story and added some extra details. I don't know if this fits into your story but I hope this helps!
It was dinnertime, and Lea had to return to her house. When she arrived at home, she was searching for her dress and entered her parent's room to see if the missing boy was there. When she opened the door, she stood paralyzed at the horrendous sight. She discovered small chunks of the missing boy's body laying on the floor, full of blood. His head was decapitated from the boy's torso and small pieces of his skin on his hand were peeled off. Blood was stained on the walls and a sharp razor was sitting on the edge of her mother's drawer. The razor was drenched with dried blood and dark black marks. She screamed with horror and silently whimpered. She kneeled, staring at the motionless body. She stayed in place for 15 minutes, shielding her eyes away from the scene. Her body was trembling and her eyes were brimming with tears.
Suddenly, she collapsed on the ground. She remained unconscious until her parents returned from work. "Lea!" her parents called. "Lea!", they shouted once again. Lea's eyes began to open and her parents sighed in relief. After 20 minutes, Lea's parents explained the whole situation to her. Lea's parents reassured her that everything is okay and that they love her.
Lea loves her parents since the day that they adopted her. She felt a special connection with them, unlike anything she has ever experienced. Lea felt a sense of uncertainty, she felt like it was unacceptable that her parents murdered the missing boy.