Some producers of the savanna are:
Jackal berry trees.
Acacia trees.
Jarrah trees.
Bermuda grasse.
River bushwillow.
Kangaroo paws.
Star grass.
C. Succinate is the substrate, and fumarate is the product.
Succinate is the substrate of the enzyme Succinate dehydrogenase, and as a product is obtained fumarate. In this scenario, malonic acid plays the role of a competitive inhibitor because its structure resembles the succinate's, so they compete for the active site of the enzyme. So, A option is wrong because fumarate is not the product. B option is wrong too because malonic acid is an inhibitor, not the substrate. Also, D is incorrect because malonic acid is a COMPETITIVE inhibitor, not a noncompetitive one. Finally, E can´t be true because malonic acid is not product and fumarate is the product, not an inhibitor.
C) traits cannot be chosen willfully, but are randomly inherited by our parents