Well, when dividing decimals, you can just forget about the decimals points whilst dividing.
So, instead of 0.6640 ÷ 0.51, you can do 6640 ÷ 0.51, and focus on the decimal points later.
Pretend "[" is a dividing sign.
51 [6640 How many times does 51 go into 66? 1 time. So subtract 66 by 51, which is 15.
51 [6640
- 51
= 15
51 [1540 Now, how many times does 51 go into 154? 3 times, so subtract 150 from 154.
51 [1540
- 150
= 40
Lastly, because 51 cannot go into 40, 40 is the remainder.
We now have a quotient of 13, but we have to go back to the decimal points. Notice how the decimal points in 0.51 is one place to the right? So place the decimal points on 13 two place to the right to get 1.3
0.6630 ÷ 0.51 = 1.3 with a remainder of 40