Las células madre son células que se reproducen constantemente y tienen la capacidad de transformarse en cualquier otro tipo de célula del cuerpo de un organismo. Una célula a partir de la cual pueden crecer todos los tejidos del cuerpo, o una gran parte de ellos, es obviamente una célula extremadamente útil.
Si las células madre se guían en la formación de tejidos sanos y funcionales, entonces, potencialmente, la terapia celular podría aplicarse para muchas enfermedades. De hecho, si las células provienen del propio paciente, en teoría no habrá riesgo de su rechazo (como lamentablemente ocurre con los trasplantes).
Las células madre tienen la capacidad de reproducirse por sí mismas a través del proceso de mitosis celular, para crear copias idénticas (clones) de sí mismas..
crossing over occurs in prophase 1 of meiosis 1. The significance of this crossing over is to ensure cell differentiation. If this occurred in prophase two it means the cells in meiosis 1 will be identical.
Polio affects the central nervous system and spinal cord. It can cause muscle weakness and paralysis. Polio is a life threatening condition because it can paralyze the muscles that help you breathe.
The polio vaccine is used to help prevent these diseases in children and adults.
Humans are a big reason for this issue. Things such as pollution, hunting, construction, and animal testing all effect the wolves population. Their food is hunted by humans so its harder for them to hunt, humans tear down trees and take over ground so theres less places to live, they might eat things like plastic because people litter, and things like dangerous weather can harm these animals.
Spores are the reproductive cells that are better adapted to disperse or spread bryophytes and ferns to other places. They can be dispersed by wind.