- What distinguish a solution in general from an aqueous solution is the solvent. A solution in general may contain any solvent, which may be solid, liquid or gas, while an aqueous solution is formed with water as solvent.
A solution in general is a homogeneous mixture in which a substance, named solute, is dissolved, in other substance, name solvent.
Solutions may be in solid, liquid or gas state. There are many kind of solvents. Usually, in a lab you work with liquid solutions. Some liquid solvents are: ethanol, glycerin, hexane, benzene, and water, among many others.
Aqueous solution is a solution where the solvent is water. Of course, the solute may be any one: NaCl, sugar, ethanol, an acid, a base, a salt.
What distinguish a solution in general and an aqueous solution is the solvent.
Oxidizing agents:
Oxidizing agents oxidize the other elements and itself gets reduced.
Reducing agents:
Reducing agents reduced the other element are it self gets oxidized.
Oxidation involve the removal of electrons and oxidation state of atom of an element is increased.
Reduction involve the gain of electron and oxidation number is decreased.
a) Cu²⁺ (aq) + Mg(s) + Cu(s) + Mg²⁺(aq)
Copper is oxidizing agent it accept two electrons from magnesium and oxidize the Mg and itself get reduced.
b) Fe₂O₃(s) + 3CO(g) → 2Fe(l) + 3CO₂(g)
In this reaction iron is oxidizing agent because iron itself reduced from +3 to 0.
D. The electron moved up to an energy level and has an energy of 21.72 x 10−19 J.
Atoms of the same element but with different atomic masses are called isotopes. They possess a different atomic mass, due to the indifferent number of neutrons that the atoms of a given element have.