Answer: Saying they are something, is metaphorical. It cannot be a simile, since the terms like or as are not being used.
"It is a gold coin dropped
down a drain in Heaven"
The comparison means that it's sort of like a golden coin that someone had dropped down a sink drain on an accident, but someone dropped it down the drain in heaven and it has now landed in the sky of the Earth.
I think the author chose to make this comparison because the sun is yellow and it is sort of a golden color and it is sort of common for things to be dropped down the drain. Therefore, it is like a golden coin going down the drain of heaven and into the sky.
can help students focus attention on key concepts and relationships, anticipate what is to come, and monitor their comprehension as they read.
We always drove around the cabin!
"every winter" points to the past, but also it's a habitual activity in the past, which is also completed in the past- so we need simple past.