US. With an installed capacity of 3,639MW in 2018, the US is the leading producer of geothermal energy across the world, producing 16.7 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) of geothermal energy throughout the year. More recently, extensive direct heat utilization projects have been undertaken in many European countries, and electric power developed extensively in Italy and Iceland. Geothermal heat pumps became extensively used in Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Sweden (Antice, Miklos and Sanner, Burkhard, 2007).
RIVER CAPTURE. *is when the powerful and energetic river cuts back through watershed by headward erosion cupturing another river's water. CONDITION FOR RIVER CAPTURE TO OCCUR. * steeper gradient on the energetic stream side of the watershed.Apr 6, 2019
The effect of an insoluble impurity, such as sand, on the observed melting point of a compound would be none. It will not depress or elevate the melting point of the compound. Instead, it would affect the reading if you are trying to determine the melting point of the compound. This is because you might be missing the actual melting point of the compound since you will be waiting for the whole sample to liquify. You would not be able to determine exactly that temperature because of the insoluble impurity would have a different melting point than that of the compound.
Possibly, Yes if it is proven
I dont know right now I'm busy