the URL for the article
In this citation, the piece of information that is missing is the URL of the article. An MLA citation requires the URL of the article in order to allow readers to find more information about the subject. It also allows reviewers to check whether the sources used by the author are adequate and reliable. Not having an URL in your citation would make it very difficult for everyone else to find the article that you have used online.
A cliche is a well-worn phrase used in conversation or in writing that has lost it's meaning. It's been overused. For example, "She was frightened to death to pet the pitbull..." "frightened to death" is the cliche.
answer is c there are still people in the world
I'd say to have her teachers talk to her about her behavior by telling her what she is doing wrong in a nice way. Her teachers can keep her behaving in appropriately in school by making sure the teacher is preparing intresting lessons in class, let her take a five minute break, and by her teachers talking to her parents about what needs to be fixed in order for her to get to school on time (for example, getting up earlier.) Hope this helps!