<u>Part 1 using forests wisely:</u>
Summarize the scientific information that leads to conservation in each of the articles. People are cutting down trees at a panicking rate. A ton of animals and people live in forests and by taking down trees, is taking down their habitat which is causing them to lose their shelter/living place.
<u>Part 1 community conservartion:</u>
People are destroying the forest which is the Gorillas home. People are also hurting these animals and if people keep doing this the Gorillas can go extinct. Mountain Gorillas are one of humanity’s closest relatives, sharing as much as 99% of our DNA.
<u>Part 2 using forests wisely</u>:
What social issues affected the problem or its solution in each of the stories? If people stop cutting down as many trees, there won’t be as many resources from that such as paper, and the cost may go up. Companies will be mad if people stop them from doing business, for example, cutting down trees. Cutting down trees will allow people to make money but if they don’t then they won’t be able to make as much money.
<u>Part 2 community conservation:</u>
If there aren’t as many Gorillas left the prices for the tourists will rise. That won’t be good for the tourists because then they will have to pay more money and some people don’t have a lot of money so that means that there will be less tourists.
<u>Part 3 community conservation:</u>
How did economics delay scientists' first attempts for conservation in each story?|If people keep killing the Gorillas then there won’t be any Gorillas for the tourists to see. If no tourists come that means that there will be no money for the villagers because the tourists are a big part of the economy there. If there is no money from the tourist then there is going to be no job opportunities for the villagers.
<u>Part 4 community conservation:</u>
Describe the political actions that led to successful conservation in both stories.|The political actions that led to success in the forest industry is what they call a FC company that makes the forest industry true. They make it out of a factory and it can make it very successful and accomplished.
I don't have the answers for using forests wisely for number 3 and 4. I'm sorry
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