You get kind of a credit every time you buy something from the card issuer. that means you borrow money for the purchase you make from the card issuer with the promise to pay them at the end of the month (or whenever your contract tells you to). it's easy to switch credit cards and there are a lot of free contracts out there. better give your credit card number to someone you don't trust than your bank account number. cause in case of a fraud you can just change credit card. changing the bank account is a lot harder than changing credit card (plus the card issuer has the problem of not getting their money. not you)
probably New York i think so
1. is true, and the 2. is false
United States copyright office
hope this helps!
B) Your employer benefits documentation
Your employer benefits documentation has little to do with your taxes as it is not a part of the tax rebate schemes.
<u>Supplement income is very much a part of taxable incom</u>e, so it has to be produced.
<u>The W 2 form is the primary taxation form</u> one receives from the IRS which is to be filled while filing for taxes.
<u>Routing and bank account details need also be provided</u> to track all the income generated through supplementary and main sources of income.