the organisms in the order Gymnophiona have no limbs. Option 3
<h3>What is Gymnophiona ?</h3>
Gymnophiona also called Apoda, area known as one of the three major orders of the class Amphibia.
Its members are known as caecilians which means “sightless” or “blind.”
Majority of the organisms in this group are limbless and wormlike amphibians that live underground in humid tropical regions throughout the world.
They are believed to have internal fertilization.
Their heads are blunt, and their skulls are bony and compact in nature.
Since they are limbless, they have no limbs
Thus, the organisms in the order Gymnophiona have no limbs. Option 3
Learn more about amphibians here:
A frameshift mutation (also called a framing error or a reading frame shift) is a genetic mutation caused by indels (insertions or deletions) of a number of nucleotides in a DNA sequence that is not divisible by three. Due to the triplet nature of gene expression by codons, the insertion or deletion can change the reading frame (the grouping of the codons), resulting in a completely different translation from the original. The earlier in the sequence the deletion or insertion occurs, the more altered the protein. A frameshift mutation is not the same as a single-nucleotide polymorphism in which a nucleotide is replaced, rather than inserted or deleted. A frameshift mutation will in general cause the reading of the codons after the mutation to code for different amino acids. The frameshift mutation will also alter the first stop codon ("UAA", "UGA" or "UAG") encountered in the sequence. The polypeptide being created could be abnormally short or abnormally long, and will most likely not be functional.
Complete question:
¿Cual de los siguientes solutos que pueden estar presentes en el liquido extracelular es transportado de acuerdo al modelo de mecanismo propuesto en la ilustracion?
A) Etanol.
B) Calcio.
C) Glucosa.
D) Estrógeno.
E) Oxígeno.
<em>Nota: La ilustración se encuentra como un archivo adjunto.</em>
Ión Calcio y Estrógeno son transportados por proteinas canal a traves de la membrana.
Durante el paso de sustancias al interior o exterior de la celula ocurren dos tipos de transportes. Transporte activo y pasivo. El primero requiere de energia ya que se produce en contra de un gradiente electroquímico. El segundo, por otra parte, no requiere de energía ya que sucede a favor del gradiente electroquimico.
- El transporte activo es mediado por proteinas transportadoras que actúan como bombas transportadoras.
- El transporte pasivo puede ocurrir por
- difusión simple a traves de la bicapa lipídica (sin ningunaproteina que medie su paso),
- difusión facilitada a traves de proteinas canales (estas proteinas tienen forma de poro hidrofílico y permiten el paso de sustancias de un lado al otro de la membrana celular sin sufrir modificaciones. Permiten el pasaje de iones actuando como canales ionicos y de hormonas o neurotransmisores),
- o difusión facilitada a través de proteinas transportadoras o carriers (estas proteinas son altamente selectivas y sufren un cambio temporal en su conformación al hacer pasar una sustancia de un lado al otro de la membrana plasmatica).
<em>La ilustración adjuntada muestra un ejemplo de </em><em>proteina de canal</em><em> facilitando el transporte de distintas sustancias.</em>
A) Etanol. Transporte pasivo. Difusión simple a traves de la bicapa lipídica.
B) Ion Calcio, Ca²⁺. Transporte pasivo. Difusión facilitada a traves de proteina canal.
C) Glucosa. Transporte pasivo. Difusión facilitada a traves de proteina transportadora o carrier.
D) Estrógeno. Transporte pasivo. Difusión facilitada a traves de proteina canal.
E) Oxígeno. Transporte pasivo. Difusión simple a traves de la bicapa lipídica.
What the new organism eats can be obtained by extrapolation.
<h3>What is anatomy?</h3>
Anatomy is a science that deals with the structure of the body of living organisms. We know that the structure of the body of an organism holds a lot of connection to the evolutionary history of the organism hence it can be used to predict the behavior of an organism such as the kind of things that organism may feed on.
When you are able to compare the jaw structure of all the organisms, then you could clearly see the relationship between the given jaw structure and that of other species hence what the specie eats can be obtained by extrapolation.
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