1. Sports Team Shirt - Excludable / Rivalrous
2. Air we breathe - Non - Excludable / Non - Rivalrous
3. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna - Non -Excludable / Rivalrous
4. A Toll Road - Excludable / Non - Rivalrous
A rivalrous good is one in which usage, by an individual limits the ability of another to use the same good. Rival goods are tangible. This means that they can be held or touched. Examples in this category are; A sports team shirt and, the Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna. Eating a Tuna would limit access to another person, who wants to eat Tuna at that point in time. The same would apply to wearing a sports shirt.
A Non - Rivalrous good is one in which usage by an individual does not limit consumption by another. Most non - tangible goods are non -
rivalrous. Examples in this category are; the air we breathe, and the Toll Road. Almost anyone can access these.
Excludable goods are only used after payment for them has been made. Examples are the Toll Road and the Sports Team Shirt.
Non - Excludable goods can be used even when payment has not been made. Examples are Air and The Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna which anyone can access.
Compared to the McLaren, the Lamborghini has less power, a heavier engine, and less active aerodynamic designs. This allows the Huracán Performante to be an excellent supercar with extreme sounds, feels, and the excitement of a Lamborghini, but in performance the McLaren is superior.
d. a monopoly firm reducing its price in an attempt to maintain its monopoly.
In a competitive system, a firm practices predatory pricing when it charges prices below its costs in order to eliminate competitors. When the prevailing system is a monopoly, the firm is the only company providing the good and it can practice predatory pricing in the short term to prevent a competitor from entering the market. Thus the firm remains monopolistic.
The answer is c. present value index
Present value index is the ratio decided by dividing net present value of the project by its require initial net cash outflows.
Once having constraint on selecting investment with positive NPV to be made due to lack of fund, a firm's usually use Present value index for further decision making.
The investment with higher present value index shows that it generates more net cash flow or in other words, more efficient and requires less initial cash outflow, and thus usually be chosen over the other ones with lower present value index.
Perfect Competition
Perfect competition is a market characterized by many buyers and sellers that have full information and faces no barrier in entry and exit of the markets. It is the ideal form of market structure where competition is at is greatest possible value. The numerous buyers and sellers are engaged in trade of a homogeneous good in the market. It is also characterized by no long run economic profit and no control over prices.