Group I. If the root is a full word, the ending is usually -able.
Group II. When the root is a full word except for a final e, the forms usually are spelled with -able and drop the finale.
Group III. The suffix -able always follows the letter i. Thus, if you follow our English custom of changing y to i in these words, you will add -able.
Group IV. When the root has other forms built on the letter a, the -able form is used.
Group V. When the root ends in hard c orhard g, -able is used. The suffix -able is the only possible ending after hard c or g, in order to keep the proper pronunciation.
Group VI. When the root is not a full word, -ible is used.
Group VII. When the word has an immediate -tion form, -ible is used.
Group VIII. When the root ends in ns, miss, or soft c or g, -ible is used.
“As a joke he would sometimes ask her, “Proud of what? I haven’t done anything.” And she’d always say, “I’m just proud that you are my son.” She wasn’t perfect or anything. She had bad days when nothing he did could make her smile, especially after she got sick.” (Paragraph 37)
This explains how good of a relationship Luis and his mother used to have. Luis loves his mother and wants to be able to have that back again.
Answer: by mentioning the idea that women are not people
A citizen is a person in the United states and yet women were people in the United States but still could not vote. Susan Anthony is therefore asking if women were not people as well because only that would explain why they did not have the right to vote.
In saying this she connected with the emotions of women who in being made to feel like second-class citizens did not feel like they were people.
They really want to follow it
California Highway Patrol. The "i" doesn't have a meaning.