27dB = 2.7 B
So I / I₀ = 10⁻²°⁷ , I₀ is intensity of main sound and I is intensity after reduction.
= 1.99 X 10⁻³
So intensity will reduce by 1.99 X 10⁻³ .
The speed of water can be split into vertical and horizontal speed components:
Due to the force of gravity, the y component will be parabolic. The x component will be linear:
To find when the water hits the ground 2.5m away, set y= 0 and x = 2.5
The functions of angles are used to find unknown lengths or angles that can't be measured, in terms of known quantities. The trig functions of angles are ratios of lengths, so they're bare naked numbers without units.
The mass of an object determines the object's inertia.