Answer: a tiny muscle connected to each hair follicle and the skin. When it contracts it causes the hair to stand erect, and a "goosebump" forms on the skin.
part b is the right answer
The amount of the gravitational force doubles
Pectinate muscles are parallel ridges in the walls of the atria of the heart. The name is due to their resemblance to the teeth of a comb (pecten). The heart is the organ pumps blood to all parts of the body. It is made up of four chambers, that is, right and left ventricles, left and right atria, and the blood vessels, Pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, aorta, and venacava. An auricles are pouch like structure that increase the total filling capacity of the atrium and also increase the volume of blood that an atrium is able to contain.
So they are lighter and move quicker.
With the small wings and bodies birds have it would be hard for them to escape predators and lift their own weights if their bones were dense like humans' bones. The hollow part of the birds' bone is connected to their lungs so they have enough oxygen to fly easily. Hope this can help you! :)
Pinworms are also known as threadworm or seat worm in some countries. Its Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Secernentea
There are different types of pinworms in humans and animals. They spread by touching contaminated object they are also parasitic worms.