Mitosis refers to the procedure of cell division, in which a cell goes through a carefully mediated nuclear division, which results in the production of two genetically similar daughter cells. The mitosis comprises five active stages, that is, prophase, premetaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
In a single-celled species like an amoeba, it is the process of mitosis by which the cells reproduce. After undergoing through the five stages of mitosis, it is via the procedure called cytokinesis, the single cell dissociates into two similar cells, thus, completing the reproduction.
During injury, the process of mitosis takes place to substitute the damaged cells. This repair is mainly essential for the blood vessels and skin that safeguards the organs and muscles in the body. Mitosis also assists to substitute the lost blood via a wound.
Thus, if the process of mitosis would not take place, then the organism would remain a single-cell, asexual reproduction would not take place, and the tissues of the body would not be able to repair themselves.
Photosynthesis Respiration Digestion
fHay dos tipos de plastos claramented diferenciados, según la estructura de sus membranas: los plastos primarios, que se encuentran en la mayoría de las plantas y algas; y plastos secundarios, más complejos, que se encuentran en el plancton