This is Kinematics and the equations in your book.
A speed time graph would plot the speed of something against the teime it was at a speed.
If it were changing it speed constantly, that would be a straight line if acclerating. Total distrance would be the area under the graph.
Part a)
Part b)
Part d)
As we know that due to induction of charge there will be same charge appear on the inner and outer surface of the cylinder but the sign of the charge must be different
On the inner side of the cylinder there will be negative charge induce on the inner surface and on the outer surface of the cylinder there will be same magnitude charge with positive sign.
Part a)
By Guass law we know that
Part b)
Outside the outer cylinder we will again use Guass law
Part d)
As we know that due to induction of charge there will be same charge appear on the inner and outer surface of the cylinder but the sign of the charge must be different
On the inner side of the cylinder there will be negative charge induce on the inner surface and on the outer surface of the cylinder there will be same magnitude charge with positive sign.
It would most definitely not be a hill or a cliff. I believe it would be a plain.
Yes, a sled has inertia while sitting still.
From Newton's law of inertia, an object at rest will remain at rest unless it is acted upon by an external force. The reason the object will remain at rest unless an external force acts is because of inertia. Inertia means the resistance of an object to motion.
Thus, a sled hammer at rest will remain at rest unless it is acted upon by an external force. So we can conclude that it has Inertia.