the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
"he wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience"
The answer is A. The author utilizes free verse due to the structure mirrors easygoing discussion. Free verse is an open type of verse. It doesn't utilize predictable meter examples, rhyme, or some other melodic example. Numerous lyrics formed in free verse in this manner have a tendency to take after the beat of normal discourse.
To expand about yourself more than just what your resume says
In "Cranes," just after Song-sam lets his friend escape, he hears a shot.
This is the moment when he becomes very worried about his friend, because he starts thinking that maybe that bullet ended up in his friend, hurting, or possibly killing him. He wants to find out what happened which is why he ventures forth.
1. The title have a large font that is attractive to people to watch the film.
2. Yes, the title are large.
The actor/actress names are both written in small font.
The film were been appeal to stop the use of drugs
3. The tagline are not visible to viewers, which makes the poster not impressive enough.