Answer 1:
A) Conduction
Heat conduction is the movement of physical energy from a range of higher temperature to one of lower temperature by the communication of the nearby particle in the middle space. Conductivities vary for the element being famous for metallic solids, lower for nonmetallic solids, very low for liquids, and very low for gases. The best common metallic conductors are silver, copper, gold, aluminum, beryllium, and tungsten. Diamond knocks them all, and graphite beats diamond only if the heat can be forced to conduct in a direction corresponding to the crystal layers.
Answer 14:
A) Empty space
An atom is an essentially empty space, but empty space is often not empty. The cause it looks empty is that electrons and photons don't associate with the stuff that is there, quark and gluon track variations. It really takes energy to clear out space and make a true empty vacuum. Outer space, particularly the almost empty regions of the universe outside the environments of heavenly bodies. Vacuum, a volume of space that is actually empty of matter, such that its volatile pressure is much less than climatic pressure.
Answer 15:
C) Longitudinal waves
Longitudinal waves are waves in which the displacement of the mechanism is in the same direction as, or the opposing direction to, the direction of generation of the wave. Longitudinal waves are perpetually distinguished by particle motion being equal to wave motion. The two most popular classes of longitudinal waves are sound waves and p-waves from earthquakes.
Answer 16:
A) Compressing a spring.
Energy transformation, also termed as an energy exchange, is the method of converting energy from one of its forms into another. In physics, energy is a measure that gives the capability to make many acts think of lifting or warming an object. Most of the time, chemical energy is delivered in the form of heat, and this conversion from chemical energy to heat, or thermal energy, is named an exothermic reaction. Next, there are two main kinds of mechanical energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy.
Answer 17:
C) The ice cube is gaining energy (heat) from your hand.
The ice cube which was hard has changed into the liquid water because the air temperature is warmer than the freezers. Which indicates the ice bits collect heat energy from the heated air. Therefore the ice bits have enough energy to break apart into smaller particle compositions. At freezing temperature, when an ice cube hovers in water, all the time new water molecules that are around and happen to move a bit slower than normal get lost to the ice.
Answer 18:
C) A battery-operated remote control car
Energy transformation, also termed as an energy exchange, is the method of converting energy from one of its forms into another. In physics, energy is a measure that gives the capability to make many acts think of lifting or warming an object. Most of the time, chemical energy is delivered in the form of heat, and this conversion from chemical energy to heat, or thermal energy, is named an exothermic reaction.
Answer 19:
C) Closer packed or more dense media will have higher speed of sound.
The speed of sound in seawater is very fast related to that in the air almost five times faster. In fact, sound travels even quicker in seawater than in freshwater. Nevertheless, the speed of sound in seawater. In water, the particles are much tighter together, and they can quickly transfer vibration energy from one particle to the next.
Answer 20:
A) From A to B is known as the wavelength and changing the pitch of the note will change its length.
The amount or quantity of period within two things, points, lines, etc. the state or fact of existing separate in space, as of one thing from another; remoteness. a linear amount of space: Seven miles is a distance too great to walk in an hour. Distance is a scalar quantity describing the interval in two points. It is just the measure of the interval.